UBC’s Surplus Equipment Policy (#UP3) governs the disposal of surplus equipment and materials on campus. All materials and equipment purchased by individuals or departments at UBC are considered property of the university and must not be removed from the campus without authority of the Director of Supply Management.
Although procedures described in the policy are outdated (SERF is no longer active), the general framework remains relevant. In order to recover costs and reduce costs from external purchases, first calls on surplus items must remain internal to the university. To replace SERF’s physical storage facility, reuse-it! exists as an online surplus warehouse that serves a similar function to facilitate exchanges between UBC departments. Please consider listing your items on reuse-it! before opting for recycling or disposal.
Since all exchanges and transactions via reuse-it! will remain internal to UBC departments for the time being, a Surplus Declaration Form NEED NOT be filled out for exchanges on the platform. For any exchanges or disposals external to UBC, please visit the UBC Finance website for proper disposal procedures.
Disposal procedures: https://finance.ubc.ca/procure-pay/private/dispose
Surplus Declaration Form: https://finance.ubc.ca/system/files/Surplus_Declaration_Form.pdf